The bridge between Business & Spirit

Bring a Conscious Voice and Alignment to . . . how you live, play and work

Unleash your highest potential by

aligning with your purpose fully.

Alignment means Congruency.

Are you ready to expand your awareness and consciousness at work and at home? If your life isn’t full of vitality and discovery, then you’re not in alignment with your life’s purpose, whether that’s how you show up in your personal life or in your profession.

We help you ignite your noetic wisdom and deepen your levels of consciousness, which will have a profound effect on your relationships, your health and your work.

Ultimately, as you expand your awareness and deepen your consciousness, your life changes in infathomable ways, ranging from the language you start to use and no longer use, and rituals that can improve your health and well-being to personal and business decisions that will improve your state of mind.

By marrying our experience in consciousness with over three decades of launching companies, services and products, our soul alignment work brings you back to YOU. Think of it as a re-synching of sorts, so you can re-align with your life design and purpose.

Let’s talk.


About Renee Blodgett

Known globally as a master of storytelling, Renee Blodgett has helped nearly a hundred brands, authors, musicians and entrepreneurs succeed with programs that elevate them above the noise. She has worked with Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, celebrities, and artists.

As a spokesperson for her clients, she has appeared on or in CNN, Good Morning America, Forbes, NPR, Huffington Post, BBC, Boston Globe, CBS News, Wall Street Journal, Hollywood Reporter, Travel & Leisure, ABC News and countless others.

Renee has an organic, down-to-earth and authentic approach to entrepreneurship and leadership. She combines her 25+ years of experience of successful marketing, business and communications strategies with teaching courses and leading workshops and retreats on mindfulness and consciousness. The blending of the two are a winning combination, helping you ignite your Higher Self’s (or Higher Mind’s) wisdom and lead a heart-centered life.

The result?

Our Services & Offerings…

Strategy Sessions

If you’re not ready for a mentorship program or marketing campaign, we can get started with a few strategy sessions to assess where you’re aligned and where you’re not and why. We then come up with a game plan with recommendations and tools so you can implement a healthier strategy for your life.

It starts with clarity and commitment from your left-brain hemisphere. From there, we slow things down, for in that still point, your right-brain can connect to your heart and the clarity comes. HeartMath’s research shows improved health when you’re in a heart-coherent state. When you feel into the answers you seek, you receive ideas that may not always make sense from your linear mind. We help you cross that bridge in ways that will likely surprise you.

Soul Alignment

Are you working for a company where you accept the status quo of your job but you’re not thrilled with the corporate culture or CEO? Or, perhaps you’re working for yourself but not doing something that feeds you in the way it once did. If you’re not working but feeling misaligned in your personal life, we can apply similar strategies to narrow in what’s not in harmony and balance.

We combine our knowledge and experience from business, marketing, therapy, communications, somatic movement, science and spirituality to help you navigate your personal and professional life with ease. We’ll work with you to uncover hidden forces stopping you from reaching your highest potential and lay the foundation for you to take the necessary steps to get re-aligned and fulfill your soul’s purpose.

Speaking & TED Talks

If you haven’t stepped into your power and spoken your truth yet, what’s holding you back? Whether you have a keynote or presentation coming up or have always wanted to give a TED or TEDx talk, we can help. Renee has been a co-curator and producer of TEDxBerkeley, one of the largest and most prestigious TEDx events in the United States for over a decade and coached dozens of speakers from around the world. She also spearheaded content for the only TEDx event held at the United Nations.

In addition to helping you craft the most compelling and provocative story that will emotionally uplift the audience, you’ll receive coaching on how to deliver your talk in a way that will motivate people toward action. Creating magic on the stage starts with you speaking your truth, a message that is in alignment with what you’re here on this planet to do. No apologies. What’s holding you back? Isn’t it time? If not now, when?

Blue Soul IGNITE!™

Blue Soul IGNITE! connects you to a community based on oneness and heart centered living. Deepen your connection with yourself and strengthen your connection with others. This offering is ideal for those who are curious and want to explore the worlds of both spirituality and science. When you move beyond your conditioning and belief systems about the way life ought to be, you move beyond the rules and fears that block you from stepping into your highest potential.

We meet twice a month via Zoom for guided meditations and time in community where you can ask your most pressing questions. We take on topics like consciousness, life purpose, commitment, relationships, sacred geometry, healing, manifestation and more. Recorded replays are available for members, which is particularly useful for those participating from other time zones and for those who want to dive deeper into the teachings at their leisure and on their own schedule.

Marketing & PR

We have 30 years of experience launching products and services. Often called a force of nature with an unstoppable vision, Renee has helped companies, artists, entrepreneurs, authors and visionaries from around the world, brand themselves and/or launch their ideas. We start by making sure you are aligned with your vision, as well as the products and/or services you offer.

Whether you want an in-depth communications and PR strategy, a social media campaign, or a full-blown media relations program, we can deliver. Soul Alignment matters here too, because if your Higher Self (or Higher Mind) isn’t calling the shots, you’ll ultimately hit a wall. Ever see a product or service soar to the top only to be extinct five years later? When you’re aligned with your vision, it creates a ripple effect, which is not only a recipe for business success but personal fulfillment as well.   

Websites & Content

We’ve talked about branding, positioning, marketing and PR, but what about your platform, social media voice, content and website?  What are you using to funnel your leads? Are you using multiple platforms or only one? Are you utilizing the most efficient ways to move those leads into long-term customers or clients?

We create the content and positioning, recommend your look-and-feel and produce a responsive website that aligns with your vision. You need clarity. You need alignment. You need a voice. You need a brand that people respect and feel drawn to again and again. And for it to be sustainable, your online presence needs to be in harmony and balance, which is often where others fall short. We combine our soul alignment strategies with our marketing, branding, storytelling, writing, editing, naming, and design experience to help you rise above the noise.


What Others Say…

“Renee knows everyone and more importantly, everyone knows her back…and likes, respects and trusts her. Consider me among her fans.”


Former Columnist, USA Today

“Renee brought tons of energy, creativity, productivity and artistic talent to the table when we worked together.”



“Renee’s programs cut through the noise to build the level of buzz and mindshare necessary for people, companies and ideas to achieve rapid success.”


Author, Singularity is Near,   ‘Futurist & Founder’, Kurzweil Tech

“Blodgett understands what makes business tick and how to navigate through the political maze. Her keen insight enables her to strategically elevate her clients to a level that others simply can’t touch.”


CEO, World Bank

“Renee knows how to turn engaging messages into a unique voice and deliver it to your audience in a way that will maximize your exposure.”


Founder, Craig’s List

“Renee is one of the most connected people I know. Her tenacity mobilizes influencers on and offline.”


Former Senior VP, Sony Pictures Digital Productions

“Renee brings that essential element to that table that most pros can’t touch; she combines traditional marketing approaches with an all-important mastery of viral and social media.”


Producer, Digital Health Summit

“Renee approaches everything she does with a rare blend of passion and courage. Add a drive for excellence to the mix and one of the most influential networks on the planet and you have an unbeatable advantage.”


Founder, PUSH Institute

“With her outstanding connections worldwide, Renee is one of the most talented and respected pros out there. She’s a master at driving social strategies that create impactful results.”


VP , Marketing, Organic

“In a world not known for sincerity, Renee is a standout. Energetic and able to mobilize those around her, she has been one of my most valued business contacts and friends for decades.”


Former BBC Correspondent, Founder CBS Soundbytes & Author

“Imagine having a super connector working her relationships to gain favor, insight and opportunities that move your business or personal brand from personal chimera to the fancy of those powerful few that make or break reputations.”


CEO, Personal Life Media

“Renee’s powerful approach bridges the gap between the old and new, yet she integrates the basic understanding of human nature. Her advice and strategies are a unique formula for success.”


Speaker & Master Trainer, Tony Robbins and Award-Winning Author

“When you see her in action, you witness someone who has built up relationships and who also has credibility and respect. That respect makes her incredibly effective.”


Former President, AOL Technologies @ AOL

“Blodgett is one of the most experienced communications assets I’ve ever met. She grasps the importance of community and what others need, while providing advice and support that drive positive impressions.”


Technology Analyst and Founder, Enderle Group

“Renee is the most professional and competent marketing and communications execs I’ve ever known. My only regret is that there are not more of her. Simply put, she is the professional’s professional.”


Author and Journalist, & US News


About Blue Soul Summit

Blue Soul Summit® is an online platform and video series about consciousness. We interview visionaries across disciplines from around the world, who will both expand and deepen your awareness as well as your understanding of and connection to consciousness.

On our Blue Soul Summit® platform, you can watch interviews with some of the most inspiring leaders, teachers, artists, authors, scientists, practitioners and more, all making a dent in consciousness in empowering ways.

Every season highlights five speakers, each tackling a specific topic in an interactive dialogue with hosts Renee and Anthony.

From mind-bending ideas in the modern world to ancient esoteric wisdom, we cover profound new developments in science, health, spirituality, technology, sustainability, philosophy, cosmology, education, the arts, and more.

Some of the season topics include: Re-Thinking Science, Our Life Force, Moving from Fear to Purpose, Physics & Cosmology Meets Spirituality, From Inspiration to Commitment, Health: It Starts with You, Resilience Women Speak Out, Indigenous Wisdom, Moving Beyond Trauma and more.

There’s no cost to tune in, so register for the latest season now. Just want the audio version? Then subscribe to our Blue Soul CHATS podcast.

Latest News & Speaking

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Renee & Anthony Speaking at New Living Expo

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Blue Soul Workshop: Feminine & Masculine Balance

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